It's been a long time since I blogged. Today, I would like to inform you that, as of today, the 0 JPY monthly plan "CUSTOMER REGISTRATION" offered by MyFans (https://myfans.jp/masseurtokyo16) will be discontinued.
The plan was to offer free access to the full-length videos that I publish on Twitter (https://twitter.com/masseurtokyo16) before editing them down to 2 minutes and 20 seconds or less on MyFans or other sites. However, it turned out that few people actually watched the videos all the way through, so I thought, "Is it necessary to do it for free" I decided to discontinue the service.
This is a report from the analysis of Twitter.
Normally, when a video is uploaded, despite having over 13,000 accounts following it, it is displayed on average 2,500 times on the TLs of those who are watching, and on average, the video is played 400 times, and 5% of them watch the video for 30 seconds or more. It takes 1 to 2 hours to edit a single video, even for an amateur editor like me. In fine movements, I put mosaics on the male genitals in as narrow a range as possible, and put mosaics on the customer's face at a level that would not be able to be determined even if an acquaintance sees it. And the reality that almost no one sees even though I need huge energy.
Based on this current situation, the full-length free service currently available on membership-based SNS will be terminated, and in order to viewing the full-length, you will be required to subscribe to a paid service.
Since many people find that 30 seconds is sufficient, I have decided that from now on the video will have a 30-second preview from the start and the rest of the video will be available to paying subscribers.
In MyFans,
We will start a new plan "CUSTOMER REGISTRATION" today. The monthly fee is 100 yen.
Thank you for 2 hours of editing every day! Buy some coffee at the convenience store and take a break! It will be a plan that will make you feel that.
And on JustFor.Fans (https://justfor.fans/masseurtokyo16), 30-second videos will be released free of charge, and videos that are longer than 30 seconds will be included in the US$10 monthly plan.
It is very selfish, but I would appreciate your understanding.
Thank you for your patronage! And don't forget to watch the video till the end.
The good parts are mostly the ones in the second half.