Swedish Massage Tokyo offers several promotions to help you get the most out of your massage.
Please be sure to read the details of the link, as conditions, expiration dates, and application may be required to use the service.

Special Offers
I have prepared a campaign where you can set the terms of use and use the massage in a good price.
Please check the details of each campaign for the details of the campaign.
Expiration date: June 30, 2024
I will film us during the treatment and post the video/images on social media.
Let's show men all over the world the time we spend together!
As a thank you for your cooperation in filming, I will give you a discount on the treatment fee.
Expiration date: June 30, 2024
Limited to outside the Kanto area. This is a plan where you can get a free 120 massage each other deluxe only with transportation expenses etc.
Apply deadline: April 30, 2024
Right expiration date: May 31, 2024
Every month, I decide on a theme and invite one guy to a 60-minute massage of your choice with Massage Live. It is an audition system, not a lottery. Please note that if you do not meet the criteria, no winner will be awarded